- Titel:
- Journal of Vascular Surgery PRINT
- Artikelnummer:
- 8801092
- 0741-5214 (07415214)
- Erscheinungsform:
- Erscheinungsweise:
- Heft/Band
- 2 Bände
- 12 Hefte
- Sprache:
- englisch
- Verlag:
- Elsevier Health Sciences Division, USA-Maryland Heights, MO
Weitere Ausgaben dieses Artikels:
- Journal of Vascular Surgery ONLINE (ISSN: 0741-5214)
- Journal of Vascular Surgery ONLINE (ISSN: 1097-6809)
Weitere Informationen zu "Journal of Vascular Surgery PRINT"
The Journal of Vascular Surgery (JVS) is the official journal of the Society for Vascular Surgery (external link SVS). Since the first issue was released in 1984, JVS has offered vascular, cardiothoracic, and general surgeons with original, peer-reviewed articles related to clinical and experimental studies, noninvasive diagnostic techniques, processes and vascular substitutes, microvascular surgical techniques, angiography, and endovascular management. In recent years, the Journal has also published a number supplemental issues focused on patient diversity, diabetic foot ulcers, and other issues pertinent to the practicing vascular surgeon.
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surgery (464)
vascular (61)
Elsevier Health Sciences Division, USA-Maryland Heights, MO